Tow trucks available through PennLease--Tow Truck financing in MN for more than 35 years

Tow Trucks available through PennLease
(Click on vehicle name or picture for more details)

2011 Ford F-350 Wrecker, w/ Stinger__2002 Sterling L7500 Rollback  SOLD!!!

Click here to contact PennLease for more information
on any of these trucks and flexible lease terms.

*PennLease will pay you a fee for referring other successful business
equipment or vehicle customers. Please call for details.

2019 Ford F650 Ext Cab, 21.5ft bed
2020 Ford F550, gasoline SOLD!!!
2014 Int'l 4300 MaxxForce  SOLD!!!
2017 Int'l 4300, 21 ft Aluminum